A Healing Journey

Does stress affect your well-being? 

Crossroads causes tension.

Your personal needs may compete with the demands of work and family—too many things to tackle.

Your focus is of the essence.

This self-care practice nourishes your body and soul with weekly lessons. 

It brings awareness to the sensations in your body through somatic awareness, movement exploration, drawing, creative writing, and exploration of your natural environment so that you can express your needs calmly.

Sign Up Now!

The Benefits

  • Focus
  • Express your needs calmly
  • Track your body's sensations
  • Get inspiration from your creativity
  • Find joy in life


Who will benefit?

  • People who wish to heal from life’s events
  • Those recovering from an injury or illness
  • Individuals aiming for more focus and de-stress
  • Persons choose to explore embodiment practices and inner growth
Sign Up Now!

This program includes weekly lessons:

  1. On-Demand Lessons
    • Mindfulness practice
    • Guided movement exploration of a body part/system
    • Sound Healing exploration
  2. The Rhythm Within --  a virtual live monthly workshop 
    • Setting monthly intentions
    • Calming your mind
    • Sharpen your awareness
    • Replay available



The lessons are easily accessible.